Hornung's Random Dispatcher

D100 Roll Plane
01-03 Abyss
04-06 Acheron
07-12 Alternate Prime Material Plane
13-17 Arcadia
18-23 Astral Plane
24-27 Beastlands (Happy Hunting Grounds)
28-30 Concordant Opposition
31-35 Elemental Plane (Air, Fire, Earth, or Water)
36-38 Elysium
39-44 Ethereal Plane
45-47 Gehenna
48-50 Gladsheim
51-53 Hades
54-58 Limbo
59-61 Negative Material Plane
62-64 Negative Quasi-Plane (Vacuum, Ash, Dust, or Salt)
65-67 Nine Hells
68-70 Nirvana
71-73 Olympus
74-76 Pandemonium
77-79 Para-Elemental Plane (Smoke, Magma, Ooze, or Ice)
80-82 Positive Material Plane
83-85 Positive Quasi-Plane (Lightning, Radiance, Minerals, or Steam)
86-91 Prime Material Plane*
92-94 Seven Heavens
95-97 Tarterus
98-00 Twin Paradises
*Characters sent to the Prime Material plane are teleported elsewhere in the same world.
With the utterance of a few words, this spell can hurl a creature to a random plane and leave him there. The target, if unwilling, is allowed a saving throw. If successful, the spell fails. If unsuccessful, the victim and all items carried by him are sent to a random plane. To determine the plane, roll on the table.   The caster has no control over the destination of the target. The conditions at the destination may kill the target (for example, arriving in the elemental plane of fire) or merely make life difficult. This determination is left to the DM.
[Tome of Magic]
School: Wild Magic
Magic Type: Abjuration
Restrictions: Wild Mages only
Level: 8
Rarity: Common
Range: 30 yards
Component: V
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates


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