Hovering Skull

This spell creates a glowing human skull with sharp fangs. The skull hovers about a foot above the caster's shoulder; as the caster moves, the skull hovers along with him. If the caster stops moving and concentrates, he can mentally command the hovering skull to move in any direction within a 30- foot radius.   The caster can see through the skull's eyes as if they were his own; for instance, the hovering skull could be ordered to investigate a dark cave or peek over a high wall. Additionally, the caster can order the hovering skull to attack victims with its razor-sharp teeth. If the caster's concentration is interrupted while controlling the skull, the skull immediately drops to the ground (but it takes no damage). If the caster resumes concentration, he can continue to command the skull.   The hovering skull has the same statistics as the caster, except the skull has 3 hit points and inflicts 1-6 hit points of damage with its bite. Attacks directed at the skull do not harm the caster, nor does damage directed at the caster affect the skull.
[Complete Wizard's Handbook]
School: Necromancy
Level: 3
Uncommon - Necromancers
Very Rare - Others
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M

Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Material Components:
the tooth from a human skull


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