
Those affected by hunger no longer gain sustenance from food. No matter how much they eat, they still feel hungry. If the spell did not end, victims eventually would starve, visibly wasting away.

After one day under the spell's effect, victims' concentration suffers (due to their preoccupation with their constant hungry feeling), causing them to suffer a -2 penalty to all ability and proficiency checks. On the eighth day without food, victims who have been maintaining normal activity levels lose 1 Strength point; on the ninth day, they lose 1 Constitution point. This alternating pattern continues until one of the character's ability scores falls to 3; at this point, the character becomes comatose. If a score reaches 0 before the hunger spell ends, the recipient dies. The victim regains lost points after the spell ends at a rate of 1 Strength and 1 Constitution point per day.

When casting the spell, the character secretly whispers a particular type of food; by eating the specified food, the victim breaks the spell. It must be a single, natural food (such as lamb, honey, or an apple) but can be exotic (dragon meat) as long as the caster has tasted it personally at some point.

Hunger cannot be dispelled, but can be broken by the remove curse spell. Failing all else, a sufferer must wait to find relief until the spell's duration elapses.

[Complete Druid's Handbook]


Sphere: Animal, Plant
Level: 4
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day/level of caster
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 1 person
Saving Throw: Negates
Material Components: a pinch of the food that can end the spell


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