Hutu Matha {Hopping Madness}

This aptly named and insidious spell is known to few outside of the faith of Wastri, and is useable only by the highest-level priests of that faith. If an individual is touched by this spell and fails his saving throw vs. spells (mindaffecting bonuses apply he is immediately ensorcelled and charmed; He acts as if he were under a Charm Person spell with regard to the caster. As if this were not bad enough, the affected individual also is afflicted with a delusional insanity that he is a toad, a belief which slowly develops over the course of the next six months.


Sphere: Charm
Level: 5
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Material Components: the caster's holy symbol and a vial containing portions of a potion of delusion, a philter of love, elixir of madness, toad blood, and holy water (consumed), which is broken on the victim after casting


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