
Intelligence (Int) represents a character's memory, reasoning, and learning ability, including areas outside those measured by the written word. Intelligence determines the number of bonus nonweapon proficiency slots the character is granted, but it also dictates the maximum number of languages that can be learned using nonweapon proficiencies. Intelligence is the prime requisite of wizards, who must have keen minds to understand and memorize magical spells. A wizard with an Intelligence score of 16 or higher gains a 10 percent bonus to experience points earned. The wizards Intelligence dictates which spells he can learn and the number of spells he can memorize at one time. Only those of the highest Intelligence can comprehend the mighty magic of 9th-level spells.

This ability gives only a general indication of a character's mental acuity. A semi-intelligent character (Int 3 or 4) can speak (with difficulty) and is apt to react instinctively and impulsively. He is not hopeless as a player character (PC), but playing such a character correctly is not easy. A character with low Intelligence (Int 5-7) could also be called dull-witted or slow. A very intelligent person (Int 11 or 12) picks up new ideas quickly and learns easily. A highly intelligent character (Int 13 or 14) is one who can solve most problems without even trying very hard. One with exceptional intelligence (Int 15 or 16) is noticeably above the norm. A genius character is brilliant (Int 17 or 18). A character beyond genius is potentially more clever and more brilliant than can possibly be imagined.

However, the true capabilities of a mind lie not in numbers—I.Q., Intelligence score, or whatever. Many intelligent, even brilliant, people in the real world fail to apply their minds creatively and usefully, thus falling far below their own potential. Don't rely too heavily on your characters Intellgence score; you must provide your character with the creativity and energy he possesses!


*While unable to speak a language, the character can still communicate by grunts and gestures

Ability ScoreBonus Proficiency Slots / Max Number of Learnable LanguagesSpell LevelChance to Learn SpellMax # Spells/LevelSpell Immunity
1989th95%231st-level Illusions
2099th96%292nd-level Illusions
21109th97%363rd-level Illusions
22119th98%444th-level Illusions
23129th99%535th-level Illusions
24159th100%636th-level Illusions
25209th100%All7th-level Illusions

Characters, NPCs, or creatures that have an Intelligence score of 1 (or less!) cannot speak any language, but they may still comunnicate with grunts and gestures.

#Bonus Proficiency Slots / Max Number of Learnable Languages lists the number of additional proficiency slots available to the character. These additional slots can be used for any proficiency the player wants, including both nonweapon and weapon proficiencies. The character is allowed to speak their native tongues at no cost in non-weapon proficiency slots. This does not mean the character can read or write in their native language. Reading and writing in any language requires additional nonweapon proficiency slots. In addition, some language choices may be disallowed by the DM if the DM rules that there is no way for the character to know a given language. For example, a barbarian from the northlands would likely not know the languages of the southlands.

Spell Level lists the highest level of spells that can be cast by a wizard with this Intelligence.

Chance to Learn Spell is the probability that a wizard can learn a particular spell. A check is made as the wizard comes across new spells, not as he advances in level. To make the check, the wizard character must have access to a spell book containing the spell. If the player rolls the listed percentage or less, his character can learn the spell and copy it into his own spell book, If the wizard fails the roll, he cannot check that spell again until his Intelligence score increases by 1 (minimum) provided he still has access to the spell.

Max Number of Spells per Level This number indicates the maximum number of splls a wizard can know from any particular spell level. Once a wizard has learned the maximum number of spells he is allowed in a given spell level, he cannot add any more spells of that level to his spell book (unless the spell is original research and not an existing spell). Once a spell is learned, it cannot be unlearned and replaced by a new spell.

For example, Delsenora the mage has an Intelligence of 14. She currently knows seven 3rd-level spells. During an adventure, she finds a musty old spell book on the shelves of a dank, forgotten library. Blowing away the dust, she sees a 3rd-level spell she has never before! Excited, she sits down and carefully studies the arcane notes. Her chance to learn the spell is 60 percent. Rolling the dice, Delsenora's player rolls a 37. She understands the curious instructions and can copy them into her own spell book. When she is finished, she has eight 3rd-level spells, only one away from her maximum number. If the die roll had been greater than 60, or she already had nine 3rd-level spells in her spell book, or the spell had been greater than 7th level (the maximum level her Intelligence allows her to learn), she could not have added it to her collection.

Spell Immunity is gained by those with exceptionally high Intelligence scores. Those with the immunity notice some inconsistency or inexactness in the illusion or phantasm, automatically allowing them to make their saving throws. All benefits are cumulative, thus a character with a 20 Intelligence is not fooled by 1st- or 2nd-level illusion spells. Note that this is not limited to wizards.

[Player's Handbook]


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