
This is a single-person boat, fast-moving and easy to maneuver. Its lashed wooden frame is about ten feet long and two feet wide, covered with canvas, sealskins, or hides of similar water-dwelling animals. The skins are attached to the frame, allowed to tighten by drying, then coated with oil to make the craft water resistant. The passenger squeezes into the hole in the top of the craft and sits so his legs extend into the bow. To seal out water, the opening of the kayak has an "apron" (often made of whale intestines) which the kayaker laces around his waist. He propels the kayak with a single long oar with a paddle on either end. A kayak can move 200'/round (its movement rate can be rounded down to 6) and it can carry 250 pounds.

[Complete Ranger's Handbook]


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