Khazid's Procurement

This spell allows the caster to more easily access rare or dangerous spell components. The wizard casts this spell upon a silver mirror while concentrating on a mental image of the material he desires. The base chance of success is 50%, modified by the following factors:
  • +1% per level of the caster
  • + 10% if the caster has seen the same type of substance or object before; this bonus is not cumulative with the following bonus
  • +20% if the caster has a sample of the material or the same type of object in his possession; this bonus is not cumulative with the bonus above
  • +30% if the wizard knows the location of the desired object
  • -50% if the caster has never seen the same type of material or item before
If the percentile roll indicates failure, the caster is unable to locate the desired ingredient and the spell ends. If the roll indicates success, the wizard has located the object or substance and the mirror becomes a magical gate through which the caster can see the target. The size of the gate is determined by the size of the mirror, to a maximum size of 3 feet by 2 feet.   The gate always appears within arm's length of the target, allowing the wizard to reach through the mirror, grasp the object of his desire, and draw it back through the gate. The wizard must risk his own safety — the gate does not allow the use of probes, long-handled ladles, tongs, or other equipment to gather the material. The caster cannot move completely through the gate.   The gate vanishes when the spell's duration expires or when the target or the wizard moves more than 10' away from it. The gate is visible from both sides, and other creatures can reach through the gate. Breath weapons, gaze attacks, missiles, spells, and similar attacks cannot be cast through the gate. Because creatures can pass their limbs through the gate, physical attacks and touch spells can be used.   The only limit to the range of this spell is that the caster and the target must be on the same plane of existence. Elemental forces (not creatures) will not pass through the gate. Thus, the wizard does not run the risk of flooding his laboratory by opening a gate beneath the sea, for example. However, the spell does not provide any sort of protection against a hostile environment.   The black opal must be powdered and sprinkled on the mirror. The mirror is not lost after casting and may be used again, but the powdered opal is consumed in the casting.
[Tome of Magic]
School: Divination, Conjuration/Summoning
Level: 5
Rarity: Uncommon
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/ level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Material Components:
an exquisite silver mirror of no less than 10,000 gp value
a black opal worth at least 1.000 gp


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