Know Customs

This spell allows a caster to gain general knowledge of the customs, laws, and social etiquette of a tribe or village. The caster must be within 30 yards of a member of the tribe or village for the spell to have effect. The selected villager must possess the knowledge sought by the caster; for instance, he cannot be an infant, nor can he be mentally unstable or dead (although he can be asleep or unconscious).   The selected villager is allowed a saving throw; if he succeeds, the spell fails.   If the saving throw fails, the caster gains a general knowledge of the villager's local laws and customs, including those that apply to relevant tribal or clan types (such as customs observed by all giants). Typical information revealed by know customs includes common courtesies (outsiders must avert their eyes when addressing local officials), local restrictions (no animals or unaccompanied elves within the city limits), important festivals, and common passwords that are known by the majority of citizens (such as a phrase necessary to pass the guards at the main gate). Additionally, the spell gives the caster a +1 reaction adjustment to encounters with members of the relevant tribe or village.   Knowing the local laws and customs does not guarantee that the caster will conduct himself properly. Know customs is to be used as a guide; the DM is free to adjust the quality of information provided by a villager.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Travelers
Level: 3
Range: Special
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: Negates


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