Maximilian's Stony Grasp

This spell must be cast on stony ground, such as a manmade stone floor, a natural cavern floor, or a boulder-strewn field. It is not possible to cast the spell on a stone wall or ceiling. The spell causes an arm made of stone (about the same size as a normal human limb) to rise from the ground beneath any creature targeted by the caster. The stony hand attempts to grasp the leg of the targeted creature, who is allowed a saving throw to avoid the effect; if the save is successful, the hand disappears. Each round thereafter, the hand has a 5% chance per level of the caster of reappearing and attacking.   Creatures grasped by the hand suffer a movement rate of 0, AC penalty of -2, and attack penalty of -2. Grasped characters lose any Dexterity bonuses. The hand causes no damage to its victim.   The stony limb has AC 2 and hit points equal to triple the caster's maximum hit points. The maximum number of hit points a stony hand may have is 60.   The material component crumbles to dust when the conjured hand is destroyed or the spell expires.
[Tome of Magic]
School: Alteration
Level: 3
Rarity: Uncommon
Range: 20 yards + 10 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round/ level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Special
Material Components:
a miniature hand sculpted from stone


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