Message Arrow

Sometimes, one needs to get an urgent message to a distant compatriot in a hurry. The elves developed message arrows for just this purpose. They resemble normal arrows outwardly, although the head is rather more rounded than most other arrows. It is the interior that makes the message arrow special. The shaft is hollow, enabling the archer to fit a tightly rolled scroll inside. The arrow can accommodate no more than one sheet of papyrus or paper.

If used as a weapon, the message arrow will cause 1d6 points of subdural damage, only a quarter of which is permanent. Because of its fragility, it will most likely break if it is used offensively. In such cases, it must make a save vs. crushing blow as thin wood or be permanently splintered. Its ranges are S: 6, M: 13, and L: 20.

Cost: 2 sp

Weight: 1/10 lb.

[Complete Book of Elves]


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