
By means of this spell, the wizard misdirects the information from a detection spell (Detect Charm, detect evil, Detect Invisibility, Detect Lie, detect magic, Detect Snares & Pits, etc.). While the detection spell functions, it indicates the wrong area, creature, or the opposite of the truth with respect to detect evil or detect lie. The wizard directs the spell effect upon the object of the detection spell. If the caster of the detection spell fails his saving throw vs. spell, the misdirection takes place. Note that this spell does not affect other types of divination (know alignment, Augury, ESP, Clairvoyance, etc.).


This spell can be used to misdirect the results of non-weapon proficiencies that impart knowledge. Examples of non-weapon proficiencies affected by misdirection include Ancient History, Animal Lore, Appraising, Astrology, Direction Sense, and Herbalism. If the subject of misdirection fails his saving throw, he receives incorrect information from the use of his proficiency. For instance, misdirected Animal Lore will convince the subject that a vicious creature is harmless, while misdirected Appraising will convince him that a valuable gem is worthless.

[Player's Handbook]
Complete Wizard's Handbook]
School: Illusion/Phantasm
Level: 2
Rarity: Common
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 8 hours
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature or object
Saving Throw: Negates


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