Missile Weapon Ranges

"ROF" is the rate of fire - how many shots that weapon can fire off in one round. This is idependent of the number of melee attacks a character can make in a round. Range is given in tens of yards. Each range category (Short, Medium, or Long) includes attacks from distances equal to or less than the given range. Thus a heavy crossbow fired at a target 136 yards away uses the medium-range modifier.

Note that these ranges are in feet for indoor combat.

The chain, lasso and net are included in the table above because their use in combat is much like a missile weapon. They have ranges related to the length of the chain, the lasso or the net's trailing rope.

The "*" means the weapon doesn't precisely have a rate of fire; it may be used as often as the character's level (and perhaps specialization) dictates for a melee weapon.

The modifiers for range are -2 for medium range and -5 for long range.


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