Mountain Dwarves

Mountain Dwarf Ability Scores


Mountain dwarves are also fairly common. Players who have existing mountain dwarf characters generated by using the Player's Handbook need only make minor adjustments to their characters. These include height, weight, and age. Otherwise keep the character as he is.

Ability Score Adjustments: Initial ability scores are modified by a -1 penalty to Charisma and a +1 bonus to Constitution. The minimum and maximum ability scores are as shown.

Recommended Languages: Mountain dwarf, common, gnome, goblin, kobold, orc, ogre, troll.

Infravision: 60 feet.

Special Advantages: None.

Special Disadvantages: None.

Racial Enmities: Ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants, and titans suffer a -4 penalty to attack mountain dwarves.

Additional Experience Cost: None.

Life Expectancy: 400 years.

These dwarves live beneath the mountains. Their strongholds are usually isolated and they have little contact with other races. Mountain dwarves tend to like their privacy and actively discourage visitors to their strongholds.

A typical mountain dwarf is, on average, 4 1/2 feet tall and weighs about 170 pounds. His hair is a lighter shade than his hill cousin's, and his skin is slightly more red in color.

Mountain dwarves claim that they are the first dwarves and all other dwarves are descended from them. They are wary of hill dwarves because of their closer dealings with humans, elves, and other races. They are clannish and keep to themselves. The majority are of lawful good alignment.

[Complete Book of Dwarves]


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