Norebo (noh-REE-boh)

The Daredevil, The Lord of Peril, The Menace of Destiny, God of Gambles

Luck, gambling, risks

Lesser God of the Outlands, Chaotic Neutral
Origin: Suloise
Aliases: None
Domain Name: Outlands/Fate’s Hazard in Pandemonium
Superior: Lendor
Allies: Wee Jas (alleged), Rudd, Dalt, Vatun
Foes: St. Cuthbert, Pholtus, Kurell, Pyremius, Telchur, Ralishaz, any lawful deity
Symbol: A pair of 8-sided dice with a smiling mans face replacing the “one” on each dice
Worshipper's Alignment: Any non-lawful
Norebo is the patron Suel deity of luck, gambling and risks. His symbol is a pair of eight-sided dice with a smiling man’s face replacing the “one” on each die. He is worshiped most frequently in Suel-dominated areas and is very popular among thieves, gamblers, performers, explorers and casino owners.   Norebo is a very adventurous deity. There is nothing that he will not try regardless of the danger, the size of the feat or the seeming impossibility of it. If there is something to be conquered, Norebo will do it. He cares more about the risks involved in the “stunt” he attempts, than the wisdom in performing such an action. Being the deity of luck usually helps in these endeavors, but most other deities consider him to be reckless and foolhardy. Norebo uses this perception to his advantage by propagating this belief and thereby winning even greater acclaim for his most recent “performance.” His relationship with Wee Jas has kept his detractors guessing for nearly 1,000 years. Most think he is trying to prove that opposites really do attract each other, or maybe he is risking it all for the most unattainable prize among the Suel pantheon, the love of the strict death goddess.   Other than Wee Jas, Norebo disdains all those that follow the path of law. He enjoys sticking his nose into the business of any lawful deity, regardless of their bent towards good, evil or neutrality, just to throw havoc into their plans. He takes the most enjoyment from harassing St. Cuthbert and Pholtus. Out of all the lawful deities of Oerth, these two are the most uptight in Norebo’s opinion. It is even rumored that the animosity between St. Cuthbert and Pholtus is the result of some elaborate scheme by Norebo to keep them off-balance so they do not join forces against the Lord of Peril’s interests or those of other deities that disdain law. Norebo has a long-standing feud with Kurell (lesser deity of jealousy, revenge, theft) over their shared sphere of concern, theft. Norebo, being the patron deity of thieves among the Suel, is jealously and relentlessly confronted by Kurell, but because of Norebo’s incredible luck, Kurell’s plans always end in disaster for him and merely fuel his desire for revenge against Norebo.   Norebo hates Ralishaz, Pyremius and Telchur for three very different reasons. He hates Ralishaz (lesser deity of chance, ill luck, misfortune, insanity) because of the bad name he gives to gambling and risk-taking. Ralishaz’s ability to take all the fun out of living on the edge (and surviving) really bothers Norebo. He hates Pyremius (lesser deity of fire, poison, murder) because the Blazing Killer poisoned Norebo’s daughter, Ranet, and stole her fire. And he hates Telchur (lesser deity of winter, cold, north wind) because the Howl of the North imprisoned Norebo’s son Vatun in a secret demiplane over 700 years ago. Anytime Norebo can cause Ralishaz, Pyremius or Telchur a problem, he does so. Actually, most of the stunts and crazy risks Norebo takes are to cause problems for all these different deities and their followers.   Norebo does get along with a few deities however. Dalt (lesser god of portals, doors, enclosures, locks, keys) enjoys the company of his father Norebo, especially when he tries to thwart the Daredevil from gaining entry into some location. Most people would think this father/son relationship would be volatile, but Norebo loves a challenge, and Dalt is always looking to make a better lock. Also, Dalt and Norebo are working together to find a way to free Vatun from his imprisonment. With Norebo’s incredible luck and Dalt’s skill with doorways, these two have an excellent chance of freeing Vatun. Rudd (demigod of chance, good luck, skill) is also considered a friend. Norebo and Rudd like to see who can outdo the other by proving they are the luckiest, so a good spirited rivalry has blossomed. The lengths these two deities will go, to prove their point, are quite amazing.   Norebo will sometimes grant a boon of permanently increasing the dexterity of some reckless worshiper that has impressed him by completing an impossible feat. Even though Norebo rarely imparts this gift, it is still something that many devout followers strive to receive. He may also punish a follower for some grievous transgression by permanently altering their dexterity for the worse. One such offense would be using magic to harm or kill a target that is incapacitated, like casting Hold Person and then slitting the held person’s throat. Norebo despises this behavior and will actively pursue any follower using such unsporting tactics. This is one of the few things that will bring the wrath of Norebo down upon a follower. This change is either a sign that the recipient is blessed or that they were cursed by the Menace of Destiny.   Norebo usually appears as a man of average looks, weight, and height with common Suel features. His clothes are ordinary and drab, and his black cloak and gloves appear worn. In this form he can keep a close watch on his followers and how they conduct themselves in his “churches.” These garments actually help hide a very athletic build and the short sword, dagger and sling that are always at his side. Norebo also has the ability to polymorph himself into animal forms, so he can keep tabs on his followers in secret outside the “churches.”   Norebo carries Swift Providence, a black-bladed short sword with Suel runes engraved along its blade and a gem-encrusted handle. Fortunes Stake is a dagger of exceptional size that is also black-bladed with Suel runes along its blade.

Other Manifestations

Norebo will sometimes appear as a devastatingly-handsome Suel man wearing a dark blue colored pair of wide-legged pantaloons and a loose-fitting blue shirt as well as a jet-black cloak and high hard boots, all made of the finest material. An almost-invisible pair of gloves covers his hands and seems to be his natural skin. In this form, his long platinum hair is always placed in a ponytail revealing an almost-albino face and deep violet eyes. When he speaks, his voice is thick with the ancient accent most often used by the common people of the Suel Imperium.   Regardless of what form Norebo takes, his true identity cannot be seen unless Norebo wishes it. Only another deity can break through this natural ability.

The Church

Clergy: clerics (80%), specialty priests (20%)
Alignment: Any non-lawful
Turn Undead: No
Command Undead: No
Clerics and specialty priests can hide in shadows, move silently, climb walls, and remove traps as a thief of the same level. As compensation for these “special abilities,” clerics and specialty priests must earn an additional 10% in experience points to advance in level. The clergy of Norebo is made up of Suel humans only, as no one outside “the remaining empire” has been exposed to his clericy.   The village barbarians are Norebo’s largest group of followers, with city thieves making up the next most numerous group. The barbarians venerate the “risks” aspect of Norebo’s concerns, and honor his name by undertaking many difficult feats and dangerous adventures The thieves worship the “luck” aspect of his portfolio most of all. There isn’t one Suel thief that doesn’t invoke the name of Norebo before attempting some “activity.”   Churches of the Big Gamble are what the individual temples of Norebo are called. These places of worship are in fact great inns and gambling halls. Here the three aspects of Norebo (luck, gambling, risks) are expressed in all their glory. Clerics are responsible for operating the numerous tables and games that are played in these halls, serving the drinks and catering to the needs of the clientele. These duties allow the clerics to worship Norebo by gambling and putting themselves in harm’s way. The house profits are distributed amongst the clergy; a percentage is kept in the coffers for the upkeep of the “temple,” and a small percentage is given to the Office of Arms. None of the games are rigged or slanted in the house’s favor. The clerics run the games fairly but take great risks with the house bets.   Specialty priests are usually the wealthiest gamblers at the Churches of the Big Gamble and can most often be found at the tables. These “high rollers,” as they are known, tend to take numerous risks, gamble lots of money and have the longest winning streaks that anyone could want. By playing the tables and winning a lot of money, they encourage people to gamble more by proving that the house can be beat. Specialty priests travel from gambling hall to gambling hall, trying to draw bigger crowds into the establishments and increase their reputation as a fair place to gamble. Or they travel to a town without a gambling hall, buy property, open a Church of the Big Gamble, and then leave once the hall is set up and has a suitable priest trained as its caretaker.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Risking all you have, all the time, is the only way to better yourself and prove your worth. What others call reckless and foolhardy, we call exciting and invigorating. May it be gambling, adventuring, or anything; only those lucky enough to survive the risks can be truly enlightened. Live life to its fullest or don’t live at all.

Day-to-day activities

Working the gambling halls and inns dedicated to Norebo are the main duties. When not working, do anything that has a degree of risk to it. Anything from climbing the tallest trees with only your arms, to openly wearing the Daredevil’s holy symbol in another Suel deity’s temple, to teaching youngsters the value of gambling. As long as there is some obstacle that has yet to be conquered, the work of the Menace’s chosen is never done. Also, interfering in the affairs of followers of lawful deities and those hated by Norebo is an important activity. Even if it is a minor intrusion, everything counts when you’re trying to disrupt something that is held as important or special to these people.

Important Ceremonies

Before and after any great “quest” to top some feat, milestone or adventure or to do something that has never been done or attempted before, a great party is held for the person taking up the challenge. These parties are always held in one of the “churches” where much drinking, singing, and gambling occur. The owners of the establishment always gives their blessing over the endeavor and wish the heroes all good luck. There are no particular days that stand out as important in the clericy, as each day someone may try to top any previous record or endeavor, thus making the old one unimportant. The clericy is more concerned with what is happening now than in the past or future.

Major Centers of Worship

In the world of Oerth, shrines to Norebo are known as Churches of the Big Gamble, and they abound in the barbarian states. There are known to be isolated churches on Lendore Isle, along the Wild Coast, in Greyhawk and in various cities of the Iron League. All other temples are in gambling halls located around in areas throughout the Flanaess where the Suel immigrated after the Rain of Colorless Fire – such as Greyhawk City, Lendore Isle, the Wild Coast, the barbarian states of the Thillonrian Peninsula, and the various cities of the Iron League.

Affiliated Orders

No known orders.

Priestly Vestments

Brown or dark green robes are the preferred choice of the clerics that work in the Churches of the Big Gamble. Brown robes are for the house dealers and game supervisors while dark green is reserved for the most senior priest, usually the owner of the church.

Adventuring Garb

Clerics can wear anything that they feel is appropriate to the task they are working on.

Specialty Priests (High Rollers)

Requirements: Dexterity 14, Wisdom no greater than 12
Prime Requisite: Dexterity
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Weapons: Any dagger, mace, sling
Armor: Leather or chain
Major Spheres: All, Chaos, Combat, Healing
Minor Spheres: Charm, Divination, Elemental (All), Guardian, Numbers, Protection, Sun (rev), Travelers
Magical Items: As priest and thief
Required Proficiencies: blind-fighting, tumbling
Bonus Proficiencies: disguise, gaming

Granted powers and abilities

  • At 1st level, the priest may attack twice per round with dagger or sling, can cast Knock (1x/day), hide in shadows, move silently, climb walls and remove traps as a thief of their level
  • At 3rd level, the priest can cast Alter Self or Wizard Lock (1x/day)
  • At 5th level, the priest can cast Dispel Magic or Phantom Steed (1x/ day)
  • At 7th level, the priest’s dexterity is increased by 1 point (to a maximum of 19)
  • At 9th level, the priest can cast Polymorph Self (1x/day)
  • At 10th level, the priest can attack 3x/round with a dagger or sling and can cast Seeming (1x/day)
  • At 13th level, the priest can cast Find the Path (1x/day)

Norebo’s Spells

Second Level
Third Level
Fate's Chance
Fifth Level
Fortune's Favorite
Fortune's Fool
Supreme Luck
Sixth Level
Seventh Level
Fortune's Bane
[Adapted from Norebo: the Daredevil by Paul M. Rokuskie in Oerth Journal #15, The Scarlet Brotherhood by Sean Reynolds, Presenting the Suel Pantheon by Lenard Lakofak in Dragon Magazine #86, and the Living Greyhawk Gazeteer]


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