
The nunchaku consists of two lengths of hard wood connected by a short length of chain or rope.

The weapon can be used to perform Called Shots, Disarm, Parrying, and Strike/Thrust maneuvers.

Nunchaku requires its own proficiency, which is not related to any other weapons proficiency (including flails). Weapon Specialization confers the usual benefits. Masters of the weapon often have weapon specialization in nunchaku and Style Specialization in Two-Weapon Style, giving them the ability to fight effectively with nunchaku in either hand. The only way to acquire this proficiency is to study with someone who already has the proficiency, and to have a proficiency slot available to spend on nunchaku.

Nunchaku are readily available in oriental ports, and such weapons are exported; western collectors are quite enthusiastic about them, even if these collectors usually cannot use them.

[Complete Fighter's Handbook]


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