
Priests casting this spell are asking for the approval of their deities regarding an action. For instance, a good character may want to know if bribing a government official into adjudicating a land dispute so as to avoid violence meets with his deity's approval. The deity disapproves of bribery, so the answer is 'no."   The caster has a chance equal to 60% +2% per level of getting an answer. This response is always an obvious "yes" or "no," though it is likely to be expressed in a symbolic way through a known sign of a power's approval or disapproval seven swans flying overhead may mean "yes," while a clap of thunder in an otherwise clear sky could mean "no." If the request for an answer is not successful, no sign is obtained. (However, inexperienced or over anxious casters may well misinterpret unrelated events as divine answers.)   The material component for this spell must be sacrificed to the deity in the casting.
[Prayers from the Faithful]
Sphere: All, Divination
Level: 2
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Material Components: a gem of at least 100 gp value


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