Order of the Amber Sphere

Archdruid: Reynard Yargrove (D13; Obad-hai)
Reynard is a wiry fellow with dark curly hair and deep brown eyes. He eschews the traditional white linen robes of his office, instead, favoring travelling and adventuring gear. He is obviously young for the position, a point to which he is sensitive.   Reynard’s sister, Reynardia (female; D13; Obad-hai), former Archdruid of the Order of the Amber Sphere, is said to have been instrumental in the initial recovery of the Staff of Rao. Since the time of her absence on said quest, Reynard has served as Archdruid. Reynardia is currently in direct service of The Grand Druid, Uthos Eldereye (D15; Beory).   Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle (D10)
Grove: Dreadwood (U4-120)
Deep within the rolling hills of the Dreadwood, the Niolar River drops into the lush sylvan valleys at a place called the Prismatic Falls. The spectacular 200’ waterfall sprays its crystalline waters into an obscuring mist that fills the valley with multitudes of rainbows. Secreted within the shrouding mist and prismatic spectacle is an ancient stairway carved into the living rock adjacent to the falls. The moss speckled stairs wind their way up to the top of the falls and quickly descend behind them to give access to a hidden dell. The steep sided dell is rimmed with ancient oak, elm, ash, yew, and yarpick trees so as to conceal the whole from all but close aerial observation from directly above the place. Even then the place is oftimes concealed by hallucinatory forest spells, especially when the falcon guardians area able to warn their druid masters of flying intruders.   The meadow within the dell has a stand of ten foot tall monoliths arranged in a seemingly random fashion. These shadowy giants are speckled with lichen and moss but their deeply graven glyphs and sigils still show. Amongst them is a massive granite chair from which the arch-druid counsels the faithful and tenders judgements against backsliders and righteous fools.   Region: Western Region
Territory: Keoland, Hold of the Sea Princes, Yeomanry, Sterich, Geoff, and Flotsam, Jetsom, and Fairwind Isles
Woodlands: Dim Forest, Dreadwood, Hornwood, Oytwood, Axewood (Keoland side)
Wildlands: Barrier Peaks, Crystalmist Mountains, Good Hills, Hellfurnaces, Hool Marshes, Jotens, Little Hills, Stark Mounds


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