Order of the Ebon Altar

Archdruid: Byrnei Oerthborn (D13; Beory)
The Archdruidess Byrnei Oerthborn is an austere woman with curly brown hair, and sun-browned, freckled, skin. Her lambent green eyes sear with intensity and are always searching they eyes of those she meets. The Archdruidess is not interested in the day-to-day sqaubbles of the local forest dwellers or the needs of visitors. While she questions those she meets, especially those who visit the stranger places of the Vesve, she leaves mundane work to her capable assistants.
  Byrnei’s true interests are far more esoteric, and mysterious. It seems she is ready to move on from her position here but still, she stays on, seeking the answer to some greater question, one she never puts into words. She is often away, delving into the mysteries of the Vesve - always seeking something… something that affects the fate of Oerth itself.
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle (D10)
Grove: Gamboge Forest
The Grove of the Archdruidess is atop a large hill that rises up above the surrounding woodland. A clump of giant linden, ipt, and ancient elms upon the crest conceals the activities of the Druids of the Ebon Altar. Deep within are massive, lichen covered monoliths graven with druidical sigils and imagery. The black stone from which they are carved is of a sort unknown to the locals. Each vaguely humanoid monolith appears as a giant in noble repose, sitting upon its heels and hanging its massive head. While scattered throughout the grove, these silent giants all face toward a massive block of ebon-hued stone at the center of the grove. The stone is an ancient altar, clutched in the gnarled roots of a giant ipt. It is here, with the ages-old, arboreal witnesses and ebon-hued watchers, that the Archdruid holds her austere counsel. Region: Central Region Territory: Bandit Kingdoms, Horned Society, Iuz, Rovers of the Barrens, Tenh, Theocracy of Pale
Woodlands: Celadon, Gamboge Forest, Fellreev Forest, Phostwood, Nutherwood
Wildlands: Bluff Hills, Flinty Hills, Rift Canyon, Troll Fens, Wastes
Bodies of Water: Fellreev Lake


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