Order of the Emerald Sphere

Archdruid: Lacoon, Son of Earth and Sky (D13; Beory)
Blind from birth, Lacoon has pale, marble like eyes that are chilling to behold. His white gaze pierces the souls of all who come before him to be judged. Lacoon is fair skinned and freckled with a florid face. His hair and beard are a wild bush of curly brass-colored locks, shot through with white and silver. His stormy personality is difficult to predict and the wrath of his temper is fearful. Indeed, lesser druids quaver when his thunderous voice rumbles through his grove. The Archdruid is never without a flurrying cadre of small animals — sparrows, finches, wrens, jays, squirrels, chipmunks, etc. These creatures serve as his “eyes” due to a special benison provided by Beory herself. Such extraordinary vision leaves nothing unseen by Lacoon and makes it all but impossible for him to be surprised. Nearing 50 years in age, Lacoon still maintains a powerful, stocky build.   Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle (D10)
Grove: Welkwood Grove (J4-95)
Secreted deep within the giant iptwoods of this place is the grove of the Archdruid. The grove itself is a horseshoe-shaped stand of giant ipts that tower some one hundred feet above. Nestled within the mighty roots of the stand are a scattered collection of blue-gray stone seats, some larger than others, even giant-sized. In the back of this arboreal apse, raised upon a dais, is the massive stone seat of the Archdruid. One cannot help but feel small and unimportant in such a place.
Region: Central Region
Territory: Celene, County of Ulek, Duchy of Ulek, Dyvers, Gran March, Greyhawk, Hardby, Pomarj, Principality of Ulek, Veluna, Verbobonc, Wild Coast
Woodlands: Axewood (Duchy of Ulek side), Dim Forest (East of the Realstream River), Gnarley Forest, Silverwood, Suss Forest, Welkwood, Wild Coast
Wildlands: Cairn Hills, Drachensgrab Hills, Kron Hills, Lorridges, Lortmils, Mistmarsh
Bodies of Water: Nyr Dyv


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