Order of the Ivy Cruciform

Archdruid: Folkin Ippward (half-elf; D13; Obad-hai)
Folkin is an exceedingly handsome half-elf with dark curly hair, violet eyes, and golden-tan skin. He came to his current position from the life of an adventurer, although he has long since lost the desire for that mean life. Instead, Folkin revels in the fruits of his office. He take great pleasure in the ceremony and respect that is afforded him as an Archdruid. Decorum and proper respect must be shown at all times in his presence. Folkin is especially fond of women, surrounding himself with a number of lovely young assistants, both human, and half-elven. A pretty face is not easily overlooked by this fellow.
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle (D10), all females
Grove: Vesve Forest (U4-83)
Perhaps the most cleverly concealed of all groves is that of Archdruid Folkin Ippward. Atop the largest hill in the forest is an open meadow of tremendous size. The place commands a sweeping view of the Vesve canopy to the south and east toward Whyestil Lake. The Emerald Meadow, as it is called, has a peculiar knot work design carved into it, cut right down to the white chalk of the hill itself. The stark white, maze-like pattern of Flan knot work contrasts dramatically with the emerald grass of the meadow and can be seen from miles away. The maze is the key to entering the grove of the Archdruid, for those who walk the proper pattern find themselves in a faerie demi-plane wherein the grove exists. Only, a few high level druids of the Order of the Ivy Cruciform and the Archdruid himself know the pattern to walk upon the maze. All others seeking audience within the grove are blindfolded and lead through the maze.
Region: Central Region
Territory: County of Urnst, Duchy of Urnst, Highfolk, Furyondy, Shield Lands
Woodlands: Vesve Forest
Wildlands: Abbor-Alz, Bright Desert, Howling Hills
Bodies of Water: Whyestil Lake


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