Order of the Ruddy Gloaming

Archdruid: Feory Yewstaff (female; D13; Obad-hai)
Referred to as The Huntress by many of her followers, it is easy to see how Feory came to her position. Born of the local woodfolk, she has been an almost mythical figure since childhood. Her mother bore Feory until late in her pregnancy when she was gored by a giant boar and killed. Cut from her mother’s womb by her huntsman father, Feory lived.
An oak leaf birthmark in the nape of her neck foretold her path. Raised by her father, she quickly learned the art of the hunt and the precepts of the Old Faith and Obad-hai. At age twelve she helped her father to hunt the legendary Great Boar that slew her mother. The old boar was wily and dangerous but the two hunters had their motive. They cornered the beast, the father wounded it but was mortally wounded in turn. The beast turned on the girl but impaled itself upon her spear, braced on the roots of an ancient oak. Feory slew the beast that had killed both of her parents and had threatened her community for years. This legend is a favourite of the woodfolk of the Rieuwood and the Hollow Highlands.
The Huntress is both beautiful and fierce, with pony tailed hair of jet and smouldering, dark brown eyes. Her flawless golden-tan skin lies like polished stone over her chiselled features. She wears hunting garments and bears a boar spear at all times, walking with it as if a staff. In ceremony and battle, she is known to wear a stiffened-leather helm adorned with antlers. Feory has trained nine huge mastiffs that obey her every command.
The Wild Hunt has been know to visit her territory annually, some believe she leads the ‘Hunt herself.
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle (D10)
Grove: Rieuwood
The Grove of the Archdruidess is found deep within the Rieuwood. Rising from the center of a large open meadow is a tightly grown ring of massive live-oaks, some sixty feet high and three-hundred feet across. Called Oakhaven, by those that know of it, the grove is a formidable fortress with impenetrable, regenerating walls of living oak trees and no noticeable means of entry. Within are the dwellings and huts of the Archdruid, her assistants, and visiting druids, bards, and the occasional ranger. Above are observation platforms, rope-catwalks, rope and pulley rigs, and dumbwaiters to bring in supplies and visitors.
Region: Eastern Region
Territory: Ahlissa, Idee, Irongate, Lordship of the Isles, Onnwal, Scarlet Brotherhood, Sunndi
Woodlands: Menowood, Rieuwood, Thelwood
Wildlands: Glorioles, Headlands, Hestmark Highlands, Hollow Highlands, Iron Hills, Spine Ridge, Vast Swamp


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