Order of the Silvery Sickle

Archdruid: Y’lor, Born of Earth and Sun (D13; Beory)
This stocky, barrel-chested fellow is a bear of a man with thick, curly red hair. His beard is plaited into two braids and held by gold rings. Y’lor’s skin is pale white save for his flush, ruddy cheeks and nose, his eyes are more purple than anything, and when his mouth splits into a wicked grin, it reveals filed, pointed teeth, a tradition among his clan. How Y’lor came to the Old Faith is unknown but his present service therein is well known indeed. Y’lor is a strong advocate for the emancipation of Bone March and vows to drive the humanoids forth with his own bronzewood cudgel. The Archbarony of Ratik can always count on the woodsmen and worshippers of the Old Faith loyal to Y’lor to swell it’s ranks in a time of need. Further political clout is held by Y’lor and the Order of the Silvery Sickle as they closely control the cutting of wood within the boundaries of the Timberway.
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle (D10)
Grove: Timberway Forest
High on a bluff known locally as the Stormy Heights, the Order of the Silvery Sickle meets above the crashing fury of Timber Bay. Storms rage against the bluff and the lichen covered stone circle that stands upon it but to no avail. The stones have stood so for as long as people have lived amongst the Timberway. It is rumoured that the Archdruid single-handedly, whilst within the ring, sunk a fleet of rogue Schnai longships intent on raiding the Archbarony.
Region: Eastern Region
Territory: Stonefist, the Barbarian States, Ratik, Bone March.
Woodlands: Hraak, Loftwood, Sablewood, Spikey Forest, Timberway
Wildlands: Corusk Mountains, Griff Mountains, Rakers


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