Order of the Thorny Cruciform

Archdruid: Umina, Servant of the Moons (female; D13; Obad-hai)
Umina appears to be no more than a mousy mid-wife and herbalist. She is in her late 40’s and has flat, gray-brown hair and brown eyes. A quiet woman, Umina, Servant of the Moons is a master herbalist, renowned for her effective tinctures, balms, and medicines. Left in a lurch with the disappearance of the Hierophant Immonara, the position of Archdruid fell to Umina. As her predecessor, Umina follows a policy of peace and quiet strength. Alas, she lacks the true charisma and power of her former mistress and tends to stay within the confines of her grove. Thus, the various factions of the Adri have become fractious and rarely work together. The two main orders of rangers take up vastly different approaches to raiders and often work against each other despite good intentions. Even the wood elves of the forest have lost their commitment to the other woodfolk and have become increasingly isolated. Other druids within the Order of the Thorny Cruciform seek a challenger to Umina from outside their precincts. Until such is found, or the Hierophant returns, it is unlikely the various factions of the forest will reunite under a common goal.
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 8th Circle (D10)
Grove: Adri Forest (K2-66)
Those seeking the Grove of the Archdruid (Thornring) without a druid amongst their company are unlikely to succeed. As one approaches the outer defenses of the grove, brambles, thorns, and yarpick trees grow thicker and thicker. Stubborn folk may continue this route at a painful price, but ultimately they will find no way to breach the ring of thorns. Wiser folk will wait in petition at the edge of this place, in hopes that a patrol of druidical warders discovers them. Only then will the petitioners be allowed any ingress to the place, and that only with the strict permission of the Archdruidess herself.
Deep within the interior of the grove are tumbled monoliths and the remains of a circular stone building. The walls and columned veranda of this place are intermingled with gnarled elms, maples, and squat live oaks - the whole being overgrown with ivy and mistletoe. The interior of the place serves the Archdruid as a council chamber. Sunlight dapples down throughout the shattered dome of this ancient civic building, and a spring-fed fountain sprays crystal water into a stone basin. The Archdruid utilizes this basin as a scrying pool.
Region: Eastern Region
Territory: Almor, Great Kingdom, North Province, Nyrond, Medegia, Sea Barons, Spindrift Isles
Woodlands: Adri, Grandwood Forest
Wildlands: Gull Cliffs, Lone Heath


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