Otiluke's Resilient Sphere

When this spell is cast, the result is a globe of shimmering force that encloses the subject creature — if it is small enough to fit within the diameter of the sphere and it fails to successfully save vs. spell. The resilient sphere contains its subject for the spell's duration, and it is not subject to damage of any sort except from a rod of cancellation, a wand of negation. or a Disintegrate or dispel magic spell. These cause it to be destroyed without harm to the subject. Nothing can pass through the sphere, inside or out, though the subject can breathe normally.

The subject may struggle, but all that occurs is a movement of the sphere. The globe can be physically moved either by people outside the globe or by the struggles of those within.


The sphere is an intact bubble filled with air. Therefore, a creature or object enclosed in the sphere will bob like a cork on the surface of an ocean or other body of water. If the sphere contains more weight than air, the sphere will gradually sink, but it could be pushed or carried by water-breathing creatures with sufficient strength. If a water-breathing character wants to explore a dark, underwater cavern, the sphere could be cast around a burning fire. The protected fire could then be carried underwater and would continue to burn until the air supply in the sphere was exhausted. (The carrier should take precautions to prevent being burned--in most cases, heavy gloves would probably do the trick).

[Player's Handbook]
[Complete Wizard's Handbook]
School: Alteration, Evocation
Level: 4
Rarity: Uncommon
Range: 20 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1-foot diameter/level
Saving Throw: Negates
Material Components: a hemispherical piece of diamond (or similar hard, clear gem material) and a matching hemispherical piece of gum arabic (consumed)


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