Peasant Wizard


The Peasant Wizard is a spell caster of modest means whose exceptional skills and matchless courage have made him a champion of the masses. Though his talents have set him apart and made him a legend in his homeland, he will never forget his roots. An advocate of the commoner, the Peasant Wizard devotes himself to the promotion of equality and justice.   The Peasant Wizard is the most frequently encountered of all the wizards. There are no additional ability requirements for the Peasant Wizard.   No special rules exist for abandoning this kit.

Preferred Schools

There are no preferred schools for the Peasant Wizard, though illusionists, abjurers, and invokers are among the most frequently encountered.

Barred Schools

There are no barred schools for the Peasant Wizard; however, there are fewer necromancers and diviners than any other specialist.


The Peasant Wizard fights on behalf of the common people. He considers himself protector of the helpless, actively opposing any action from the party that threatens or exploits the peasants. For instance, he won't allow his party to recruit peasants for combat support unless they fully understand the risks involved. When a companion of the Peasant Wizard bargains with a common man for goods or services, the Peasant Wizard makes sure his companion pays the common man a fair price. When the party recovers a treasure, the Peasant Wizard demands that the local citizens receive their fair share if they helped the party in any way or if the treasure was recovered on their land.   The Peasant Wizard sees the wealthy classes as a primary reason for the commoners' miseries, so he has little respect or patience for noblemen and the wealthy. Aside from the occasional insult, the Peasant Wizard is likely to avoid associating with any Patricians in his party.

Weapon Proficiency


(player's choice): Bow (any), dagger, knife, spear, dart, sling

Non-weapon Proficiency


one of the following, player's choice: Agriculture, Fishing


Animal Handling, Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Cobbling, Cooking, Direction Sense, Fire-building, Leatherworking, Pottery, Riding (Land-based), Stonemasonry, Weather Sense, Weaving


The Peasant Wizard can spend his money on anything he likes, within the limitations described in the Special Hindrances entry.

Special Benefits

When in his homeland, the Peasant Wizard will always be given food and shelter at no charge from his fellow commoners. This courtesy extends to the Peasant Wizard's companions, as long as he vouches for them. The Peasant Wizard does not receive this benefit in lands other than his own, but he always receives a +2 reaction modifier from peasants in any culture.

Special Hindrances

Aside from weapons, a Peasant Wizard may own only one item worth as much as 15 gp. Aside from this item, all of his other items must be valued at 10 gp or less. The total value of all his possessions, including money but excluding weapons. can never exceed 75 gp. Any treasure or possessions in excess of this limit must be donated to some worthy cause.

Wealth Options

The Peasant Wizard receives only (1d4 + 1) x 5 gp for starting money.


No restrictions.
[Complete Wizard's Handbook]


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