Physical Mirror

This spell causes a localized folding of space. The folded space takes the form of an invisible disk up to 20 feet in diameter. Any missile weapon or spell that intersects this disk is instantaneously reversed in direction. Melee factors such as speed, range, and damage are unaffected; the direction of the object or force is simply rotated through a 180° arc. The sender of the spell or missile finds himself the target of his own attack.   The physical mirror operates from only one direction; that is, only one side of the mirror reflects attacks. The caster of the mirror may direct spells and missile attacks normally through the space occupied by the mirror.   In the case of physical attacks, the attacker must roll to hit himself (without the armor class benefits of Dexterity or shield). Spells turned back may require the caster to make a saving throw vs. his own spell. In both of these cases, range is important. If the distance between the initiator of the attack and the physical mirror is more than twice the range of the attack, the attacker is safe; the attack has insufficient range to travel from the attacker to the mirror and back again.   When the priest casts the spell, he must specify the location and orientation of the physical mirror disk. Once it is created, the disk cannot be moved.   If two physical mirror disks touch or intersect, they destructively interact and both immediately vanish. The resulting "ripples" in the space-time continuum are exceedingly destructive and inflict 3dIO hit points of damage on any creature within 35 yards (a saving throw is allowed for half-damage). This always includes the casters of the physical mirror spells.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Numbers
Level: 6
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1d4 + 8 rounds
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Material Components:
a tiny mirror of polished platinum, worth at least 500 gp


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