Prophet Priest


A prophet is one who receives signs, dreams, or clues about the future from his god. Priests of the god of prophecy are prophets, but they aren't the only prophets. Priests of other gods can receive and pass along prophecies. However, since this is rarer, the DM has the right to approve or disapprove any character taking this Priest Kit.   To be a Prophet Priest, the character must have a Wisdom of 15 or better.   A character may not abandon this kit. As long as he is a priest, he is a Prophet Priest.


Priests of the god of Prophecy may not take this kit. All other priests may.   Priests of philosophies or forces don't receive their prophecies from a god; their prophecies are more like psychic impressions.


In the campaign, the Prophet Priest is partly a tool for the DM: the DM can use the character to supply clues and even red herrings to the characters. His is often a thankless job, and he is often a bit alienated from the normal folk.

Weapon Proficiencies




Any that the priest's actual priest-class permits.

Non-weapon Proficiencies

Bonus Proficiency

Weather Sense


None special


No special restrictions

Special Benefits

The character receives the Medium Granted Power "Prophecy" from the Designing Faiths chapter. However, it's more limited than the Prophecy which is granted to priests of the god of Prophecy. With this power, priests may receive visions from the god at any time the DM decides, but may only deliberately sink into a trance in order to receive a vision once per day.

Special Hindrances

It's not normal for anyone but priests of the god of Prophecy to be prophets. Therefore, normal people are a little edgy around other prophets. and react to them at a -2 reaction adjustment. This adjustment may never result in a reaction worse than Cautious. however.

Wealth Options

This priest receives the normal 3d6x10 gp starting gold.


No special limitations.
[Complete Priest's Handbook]


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