Ranger of the Gnarley Forest

This association of 200-plus rangers has as its primary goal the protection of the Gnarley Forest. Its concern lies with the health of the forest; its members care little for the politics that may surround it, except as the politics directly affect it. While the rangers would not wish to see the entire forest fall under the control of the City of Greyhawk (or any faction, for that matter), it welcomes the assistance of the Greyhawk Militia in protecting the Gnarley and its dwellers.

This group is loosely organized. No individual is responsible for certain territory, but each is likely to have favored sections where he knows the residents and the terrain especially well. The group does not have leaders who give orders, but instead recognizes a number of Ranger Knights who meet every two or three months at Corustaith to exchange information. These Ranger Knights are also responsible for training younger rangers; the younger rangers swear a personal allegiance to their knight, promising to protect the forest, help good folk in need, and revere a good deity (usually Ehlonna). Rangers of any level may join this group. A hopeful ranger must locate one of the Ranger Knights, undergo an interview process and a number of wilderness tests and offer several references.


The Gnarley Rangers are known for their efforts in protecting this vast woodland. They monitor lumbering, flush out bandits and humanoids and safeguard the humans who dwell in the forest. Enemies include the orcs, gnolls and ogres of the Blackthorn cavern. occasional humanoid patrols from the Pomarj. and evil cult members who have been chased from neighboring states and now skulk in the Gnarley.

Weapon Proficiencies

Required: bow (any), dagger or knife.

Recommended: axe (any), sling, spear, sword (any).

Nonweapon Proficiencies

Bonus: Animal Lore, Survival (woodland).

Recommended: Bowyer/Fletcher, Direction Sense, Fire-Building, Hunting, Languages, Modern (elvish. gnomish, pixie, nixie, treant), Rope Use, Set Snares, Weather Sense.


No equipment is required to become a Gnarley Ranger, but each member knows he is responsible for his own weapons, rations, survival equipment and other goods to provide for comfort in the wild. All rangers are given an oakleaf insignia which identifies their membership and rank in the group.

Special Benefits

The rangers are a team that will come to the aid of their brothers and sisters at the first cry for help. They use a secret code of whistles and chirps that can summon aid almost immediately (if someone is within earshot). They also have a secret language made up of verbal and nonverbal cues. So subtle is this system that two Gnarley Rangers might use the code amid a group without the nonrangers even realizing that they are doing so. The system works well for communicating basic ideas and information about weather, forest conditions, strangers and so on, but has no applications for abstract concepts.

The Rangers have a working knowledge of the secret druidic language. It functions as a thief's Read Languages skill (spoken word only) at 5% per experience level above the first. They also make use of a complex set of symbols that involve scratches on trees or logs, woven tree branches and marks on other forest plants to advise their fellow rangers of nearby dangers or resources.

It is said by some that these rangers have gained rhe cooperation of the wild animals from time to time. This most often involves animals dragging a wounded ranger to safety or providing a warning that danger is imminent.

Gnarley Rangers can gain hospitality from all the folk of the woodlands merely by showing their insignia. Those who are native to the Gnarley Forest are capable of identifying plants, animals and safe fresh water within the forest.

Special Hindrances

Gnarley Rangers must stay close to the Gnarley Forest. They may spend no more than six months at a time away from the forest. For longer journeys, rangers normally seek the approval (they do not need actual permission) of their Ranger Knight. A ranger who spends too much time away from the forest without good reason may be asked to turn in his oak leaves.

Rangers do not get along well in cities. They may be perceived as easy targets for cheats and con games. They may forget matters of etiquette or be uncomfortable in the urban environment, resulting in penalties to reaction checks, outrageously inflated prices ("Hey, look at Jungle Jim! He couldn't possibly know that an evening meal doesn't cost 12 gold pieces!") or other minor but annoymg troubles.

Wealth Options: Normal for rangers. Since the Gnarley Rangers tend to live off the land and have little opportunity for earning money, they usually get by on much less gold (and have less need for it) than other rangers.

Races: Any human except Rhennee, half-elf. Werebears and swanmays can also be Gnarley Rangers.

[Player's Guide to Greyhawk]


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