Rapid Response Rider

Rapid Response Riders are the dwarves' equivalent of cavalry. Mounted on suitably sturdy beasts, they are capable of moving faster than other dwarves, and packing more punch when they attack. Ponies or mules are commonly used as mounts, but creatures such as bears, boars, and dire wolves are sometimes used. Flying creatures, griffons, hippogriffs, or pegasi, may be employed. In such cases, Land Based Riding Proficiency references should be changed to Airborne Riding.   Rapid Response Riders are found in only a few strongholds. They are not extensively used and appear chiefly in strongholds that are under constant threat of attack.   They are often quite tall, as dwarves go, and that extra height helps a lot when riding.


They are well trained, but something of an anomaly in a military based on infantry units. While respected, they are considered odd by other dwarves. They stick together and consider themselves both elite and superior to other dwarves, whom they see as lowly foot sloggers.

Weapon Proficiencies

Rapid Response Riders must be proficient, and ideally specialized in, the lance (any, according to mount's size). They may use any other weapons they see fit.

Bonus Non-weapon Proficiencies

Animal Training, Endurance, Riding (Land Based). The type of mount must be noted for proficiencies.

Recommended Non-weapon Proficiencies

Animal Handling, Armorer, Blind-fighting, Intimidation, Leatherworking, Sign Language, Signalling, Tracking, Underground Direction Sense, Underground Navigation.


They may wear any kind of armor except plate mail. They must start play with a lance, but otherwise may have any kind of weapon.

Distinctive Appearance

They will usually wear some form of leather trousers to protect their legs. They tend to select fierce looking armor, with studs, protruding hooks, or horned helmets.

Special Benefits

A Rapid Response Rider starts with a fully grown mount which has at least 75% of its possible hit points. Roll hit points normally; if they come to less than 75% of the possible total, increase it to 75%. Their mounts are highly trained and respond to all commands given by their masterse They do not have telepathic rapport with their mounts, and if the mount is killed, they lose only the mount.   Rapid Response Riders gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls when fighting mounted.

Special Hindrances

Because of their close affinity to their mounts, most dwarves react with a -2 penalty.

Wealth Options

Rapid Response Riders start with 5d4x10 gp.
[Complete Book of Dwarves]


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