
The rapier is a long-bladed, one-handed sword, normally sharp only at the point. It's a thrusting weapon, wielded with lightning-like thrusts and lunges. Swashbucklers often learn Two-Weapon Style Specialization and use rapier with rapier, with Main-Gauche, with short sword, or with dagger, Stiletto, or knife. It's also occasionally used with buckler.

Rapier requires its own proficiency, which is related to sabre proficiency—not long sword and its related weapons. Weapon Specialization confers the usual benefits.

You can have a rapier made with a basket hilt. This adds 2 gp to the cost, +1 lb. to the weight, and confers the normal basket-hilt benefits: +1 to attack rolls with Parry maneuver, and the iron-gauntlet benefit for Punching.


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