
This is a short, defensive weapon, consisting of a metal bar with a hilt, and oversized upward-curving quillions. When used by someone with proficiency in the weapon, sai confer a +1 to attack rolls bonus when using the Pin and Disarm maneuvers.

In the Weapons chart, the Sai is listed as having two types of damage: P (piercing) and B (bludgeoning). That's not quite right; the normal sai is only a Bludgeoning-damage weapon. However, certain warriors prefer for it to be a sharp stabbing weapon, so the damage may be Piercing instead. A sai may only have one type of damage, not both.

Sai requires its own proficiency, which is not related to any other. Weapon Specialization confers the usual benefits. To learn the proficiency, one must study with someone who has it, and the character must have a weapon proficiency slot to spend.

Many warriors proficient in the sai take Style Specialization in Two-Weapon Style and utilize twin sai in combat.

Sai are readily available in oriental ports, and are exported.

[Complete Fighter's Handbook]


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