
This spell requires immense magical effort to cast, relegating it to the highest spell level. Stabilize negates the effects of wild magic regions, allowing the caster and all creatures in a 30-foot radius to cast spells and use magical items normally. The spell is centered on the caster and follows his movements.   The caster's own spells never cause wild surges when cast within the duration of a stabilize spell, nor do the effects of wild surges extend into the protected area. Furthermore, the wild mage's spells function at his true level; The Wild Magic Surge Results is not used to determine level variation. The spell affects Wildstrike, Wildzone, and Wildwind.
[Tome of Magic]
School: Abjuration, Wild Magic
Magic Type: Abjuration
Restrictions: Wild Mages only
Level: 9
Rarity: Common
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1d4 + 1 turns
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 30-foot-radius circle
Saving Throw: None


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