
An optional form of ammunition for the sling and sling-staff is the stinkpot, a clay vessel filled with burning sulfur or quicklime. This is considered a grenade-like weapon and is subject to the combat rules for grenades. For range, the stinkpot has a short range of 20 feet, medium range of 40 feet, and long range of 60 feet.   When the stinkpot breaks, everyone in a 20-foot diameter circle who does not leave the area within one round must save vs. poison or be unable to attack or move at greater than half their movement rate. Those who save successfully attack at a -2 penalty due to nausea and watering eyes. The effects last as long as the subject remains in the area and for 1d4 rounds thereafter.   The stink cloud lasts for 1d3 +1 rounds, then dissipates. Optionally, stinkpots in underground settings may give off clouds that last 1d6 +1 rounds due to lack of open air.


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