Summon Lycanthrope

This spell is effective only on the night of a full moon and one night immediately preceding and following it.   For the spell to be effective, the caster and the lycanthrope must be on the same plane of existence; there is no other range limitation. When the spell is cast, the nearest lycanthrope (as determined by the DM) of the chosen species must attempt a saving throw. If successful, the creature is unaffected. If it fails, the lycanthrope instantly appears near the caster.   Upon arrival, the creature can freely attack the wizard unless the caster has created a warding circle. If a circle is present, the lycanthrope appears in the circle; otherwise, it appears 1d10 feet away from the caster in a random direction (the DM should use the scatter diagram for grenade-like missiles to determine direction).   A warding circle is a temporary prison drawn with specially prepared pigments laced with silver filings. These pigments cost 100 gp for each foot of diameter of the circle (thus, a circle 10 feet across costs 1,000 gp). A warding circle must be at least 5 feet in diameter; if smaller, the lycanthrope is automatically freed. Preparing the circle takes one turn per foot of diameter.   Even with such protection, the lycanthrope can break out of the circle and wreak vengeance upon the summoner. The creature's base chance of success is 20%, modified by the difference between its Hit Dice and the wizard's experience level. If the spellcaster is of a higher level, the difference is subtracted from the creature's chance of escaping the circle. If the lycanthrope is of higher Hit Dice than the wizard's level, the difference is added to its chance. Each creature is allowed only one attempt to escape.   Any break in the circle spoils the power of the spell and enables the lycanthrope to break free. Even a straw dropped across the line of a magic circle destroys its power. Fortunately, the creature cannot take any action against any portion of the ward, for the magic of the barrier absolutely prevents this.   Once safely ensnared, the lycanthrope can be held for as long as the summoner dares. The creature cannot leave the circle, nor can any of its attacks or powers penetrate the magical barrier. When the full moon sets, the lycanthrope reverts to its human form. At this time, it is free of the spell and may leave the circle.
[Tome of Magic]
School: Conjuration/Summoning
Level: 4
Rarity: Uncommon
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Material Components:
a drop of blood from any animal, a human hair, and a moonstone worth at least 150 gp

Warding Circle: If a warding circle is drawn, the components listed in the spell description are also required


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