
This spell requires the priest to perform a numerological analysis of a subject's correct name. The result is that the priest may cast another spell that affects the subject individual at a range much greater than normal. In other words, by gaining deep knowledge of the individual, the priest creates a "channel" to that individual that makes a subsequent spell easier to cast on that subject.   Only certain spells can benefit from telethaumaturgy:
Charm Person or Mammal
Detect Charm
hold person
know alignment
remove curse*
Probability Control
confusion (one creature only)

For spells marked with an asterisk telethaumaturgy also increases the range of the reversed spell. Unless indicated, telethaumaturgy does not increase the range of the reversed spells. The increase in range depends on the level of the priest casting telethaumaturgy:  
Level Range Multiplier
1-6 x2
7-11 x3
12-16 x4
17+ x5
Thus, a 12th-level priest who has cast telethaumaturgy on an individual could subsequent- ly cast charm person on that individual at a range of 320 yards. rather than the normal range of 80 yards.   A spell to be enhanced by telethaumaturgy must be cast on the round immediately following the completion of telethaumaturgy. Spells that normally affect more than one individual (such as confusion) will affect only the selected subject when cast following telethaumaturgy.   When telethaumaturgy is cast by a priest of 11th-level or higher, it has an additional effect. If the target is within the normal range of the subsequent spell (e.g., 80 yards for charm person), the subject's saving throw suffers a penalty of -2.   Like the personal reading spell, telethaumaturgy functions only if the priest knows the correct name of his subject. If the priest casts the spell using an alias, he will not know that telethaumaturgy has not taken effect until the subsequent spell fails. The priest does not automatically know why the subsequent spell failed (the subject might simply have made a successful saving throw).   The material component book is different from the book used in the spell Personal Reading. The book is not consumed in the casting.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Numbers
Level: 3
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
Material Components:
a small book of numerological formulae and notes


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