The Altruist

Character Description: The Altruist is a selfless humanitarian, his actions fueled by a passion for justice. The Altruist regards his magical skills as a special gift to be used to promote the common good, and he devotes his life to the welfare of others. He is admired by the oppressed, scorned by oppressors, and respected by all. Because his goals are simple and his values are unambiguous, this personality type is a particularly easy one to play. It is a good choice for characters of beginning players. Experienced players, however, may find him a bit boring, and the DM should be aware that an entire party of Altruists can lead to a lifeless campaign.

Best Suited For: Any kit is appropriate for the Altruist. Obviously, this type of character should be of good alignment, lawful good being the most frequently encountered.

In Combat Situations: The Altruist is a courageous, aggressive combatant. He is as selfless on the battlefield as he is in all other walks of life; if an Altruist has a single protection from evil spell, he will cast it on the most vulnerable member of his party, using it on himself only if he's absolutely certain that all of his companions are safe. He attacks honorably and with mercy, accepting the surrender of his opponents whenever possible. He assumes leadership roles if necessary, though he seldom seeks them.

In Role-Playing Situations: The Altruist is polite, even-tempered, and thoughtful. He has little patience for liars and cheaters, and NPCs who exploit the helpless are especially repugnant to him. Most NPCs, except those of evil alignment, admire and respect the Altruist's strong moral code, but some NPCs may see him as self-righteous and pompous.

[Complete Wizard's Handbook]


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