The Brooder

Character Description: The Brooder is tormented with self-doubt; he worries about his relationship with the rest of the universe, where he fits in with the rest of mankind, and the meaning of his own existence. He may dwell for days on the ramifications of some seemingly insignificant action. If he makes a wrong decision or a decision he perceives as being wrong, he may become consumed with self-loathing, spiraling into a deep depression that can persist for weeks. Holding himself to impossibly high standards, the Brooder is continually disappointed with his performance as a wizard, a citizen, and as a human being.

Obsessed with perfection, the Brooder tends to be an extremely skilled spell caster and combatant. His mind is sharp and his actions are precise and correct. Although he usually succeeds at whatever he attempts, his accomplishments seem to bring him little fulfillment or joy.

Not surprisingly, the Brooder's outlook on life is dismal. He believes the struggle between good and evil can never be won; it will continue to claim victims on both sides for all eternity. Friendship is valued but transient; a friend today can be an enemy tomorrow. Acts of courage and selflessness are admirable but ultimately futile. Existence is a tragic joke-- men are only puppets in the hands of incomprehensibly cruel gods.

Because the Brooder seldom voices his opinions, this personality is a good choice for players who tend to be quiet. Conversely, the Brooder is a nice change of pace for players who normally take charge.

Best Suited For: Because the Brooder tends to reject moral absolutes, he gravitates toward neutral alignments, particularly neutral good and chaotic neutral. The Brooder can use any kit, but the Academician, the Mystic, and the Wu Jen are especially good choices.

In Combat Situations: The Brooder is an excellent fighter. Cowardice is unknown to him; since he doesn't believe his own life is particularly precious, he fights as if he has nothing to lose. He is calm and clear-thinking in times of crisis, using his spells to their maximum effectiveness. If necessary, he will unhesitatingly risk his life for a friend.

If the Brooder is preoccupied with a past mistake or a depressing philosophical revelation, he may be slow to join a battle. Likewise, if the Brooder is in a state of mind where the differences between good and evil seem especially ambiguous, he may decline to participate in a fight. Usually the Brooder can be roused to battle by a firm request from the party leader or the gentle urgings from a trusted companion. Even in the depths of despair, the Brooder will not stand idle and allow harm to come to his companions.

In Role-Playing Situations: In most encounters with NPCs, the Brooder will remain quiet and distracted, leaving most of the talking to his companions. He is loathe to offer his opinion, and seldom cares to hear the opinions of others. Most of the time, he is simply apathetic. Most NPCs perceive the Brooder to be emotionless and preoccupied, and keep their distance. Sensitive NPCs might feel sorry for him.

The Brooder's attitude can be extremely frustrating to his fellow player characters. Since he keeps to himself most of the time, usually his companions will only be able to guess what he's thinking or feeling.

Some PCs may attempt to befriend him. Kindness and patience will eventually break through a Brooder's shell. Although he may not show it, the Brooder feels friendship deeply, and may even share his deepest thoughts with a companion who has been kind and caring.

[Complete Wizard's Handbook]


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