The Cult of Vecna

The Cult of Vecna is a secretive organization dedicated to the arch-lich Vecna. While the myths say that Vecna was destroyed by his chief lieutenant, Kas, in a titanic battle, that left behind only Vecna’s eye and left hand.   Members of the cult, who often don’t know who other members are outside of a very small area, believe that Vecna still lives, and have dedicated themselves to finding their lord and master and returning him to his rightful place as the ruler of the Flanaess.   To this end, they spend a lot of time gathering powerful magicks and are constantly on the hunt for Vecna’s hand and eye.   The cult can be composed of anyone, anywhere. They keep themselves well hidden wherever they are.   It is important to note, however, that at the time of this campaign, Vecna has not ascended to godhood. Whether he survived the battle against Kas is unknown to anyone living and he is often used as a boogeyman to scare young children.


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