The Druidic Leadership Hierarchy

The Great Druids of the Flanaess

Western Region

Oeridia Uskhome (female; D14; Obad-hai)
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 9th Circle (D11)
Grove: Dreadwood (Z4-122)

Central Region

Iada-hai (D14; Beory)
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 9th Circle (D11)
Grove: Celadon (N3-83)

Eastern Region

Eblin of the Swans (D14; Beory)
Assistants: 3 Initiates of the 9th Circle (D11)
Grove: Adri (? unknown)

The Grand Druid of Oerth

Uthos Eldereye (D15; Obad-hai)
Assistants: 9 druids and 3 archdruids (D13; one of these is Rowena Yargrove (female; D13; Obad-hai))
Grove: Fellreev Forest (R3-57)

The Hierophants

Order of the Cabal

Hierophant: 4 Hierophants of the Cabal (D23)
Assistants: Unknown (D16-22)
Grove/Plane: Unknown

Order of the Golden Dawn

Hierophant: 4 Hierophants of the Golden Dawn (D23)
Assistants: Uknown (D16-22)
Grove/Plane: Unknown

Order of the Rosy Cruciform

Hierophant: 4 Hierophants of the Rosy Cruciform (D23)
Assistants: Unknown (D16-22)
Grove/Plane: Unknown


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