The Merry Showoff

Character Description: This character lives for style or entertainment. He may be a clown who delights in entertaining people and shooting barbs into the egos of the self-important. He may be an elegant fighter who loves to show the world what fighting is like in the hands of a master. He may simply love attracting the eyes of ladies. Whichever, he's always in motion; he never merely gestures when he can instead make a flourish, never walks when he can stride, and never talks when he can orate.

Best Suited For: Chaotic characters are a little better suited to be Merry Showoffs, as they're more spontaneous than the reasoned Lawful or cautious Neutral characters. However, there's no restriction on this. Good, Neutral, and Evil characters can all be Merry Showoffs; The elegant, dramatic, selfcentered, villainous lieutenant is a classic example of an Evil Merry Showoff. In terms of Warrior Kits, the Swashbuckler, Gladiator, and Pirate/Outlaw are best suited to this personality; the Amazon, Barbarian, Berserker, and Samurai are least suited; the other kits are appropriate.

In Combat Situations: The Merry Showoff must fight in the most dramatic fashion possible, even when it isn't as efficient or safe as another tactic. He leaps, he bounds, he shouts, he gestures, he taunts the enemies, he makes challenges for single combat... he can be a right nuisance, for allies as well as enemies, and so the player should be careful not to aggravate his friends too much with his antics.

In Role-Playing Situations: Likewise, this character should be as charming and theatrical as possible in role·playing situations. He doesn't necessarily have to be witty: that might put too much of a strain on a player who isn't able to wisecrack with ease, but he should be debonair and gracious at all times, even when talking to the leader of his enemies or the rudest and coarsest boor.


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