The School of Abjuration

Description: Spells of this school focus magical energies to provide protection. This protection can take a number of forms, including warding off specific types of weapons or creatures and discouraging or dispelling enemies. The school also includes a variety of spells involving avoidance and repellence. Abjuration spells concentrate on eliminating or hindering sources of potential harm rather than repairing damage.

Specialist Name: Abjurer.

Allowed Races: Only humans can be abjurers. It's speculated that the natural magical resistance of elves, half-elves, and gnomes prevents them from mastering abjuration spells.

Ability Requirements: A wizard must have strong intuition and exceptional willpower to master abjuration spells as reflected in a high Wisdom score. Specialists in this school must have a minimum Wisdom of 15.

Saving Throw Modifiers: All opponents modify their saving throws by -1 when attempting to save against an abjuration spell cast by an abjurer. An abjurer adds a +1 bonus when saving against abjuration spells.

Bonus Spells and Acquired Powers: An abjurer can memorize an extra spell at each spell level, providing that at least one of the memorized spells is from the school of abjuration; thus, a 1st-level abjurer can memorize two spells. When an abjurer reaches 17th level, he acquires immunity to all forms of hold spells and adds a +1 bonus when saving against poison, paralyzation, and death magic. When an abjurer reaches 20th level, his mastery of magical protective forces has become so powerful that his Armor Class is raised from 10 to 9. He is still forbidden to wear armor.

Oppositional Schools: An abjurer cannot learn spells from the schools of alteration and illusion.

Spell Analysis: The abjurer has a limited number of spells from which to choose, particularly in the lower levels. This lack of options makes low-level abjurers among the weakest of beginning wizards. To compensate, he should acquire a few low-level spells from other available schools as early in his career as possible. Offensive spells-- that is, spells that inflict damage-- from the school of Invocation/Evocation are especially good choices, such as Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Stinking Cloud, Fireball, or Melf's Minute Meteors. As he reaches higher levels of ability and is able to take advantage of the more powerful abjuration spells available to him, an abjurer should become less dependent on spells from other schools.

[Note: The Invocation/Evocation school was substituted for the Alteration school outlined in the printed Wizard's Handbook. This is because Abjurers cannot learn spells from the school of Alteration, as it is an oppositional school. This does not mean the abjurer cannot use scrolls that have spells from the school of Alteration.]

There are three general types of abjuration spells: protective, dispelling, and dismissal. Protective spells include those that offer protection from creatures (such as Protection from Evil), those that protect against weapons (such as Protection from Normal Missiles), and those that protect against certain types of magic (such as Minor Globe of Invulnerability). Dispelling spells cause the elimination of specific magical effects, such as Dispel Magic and Remove Curse. Dismissal spells cause the removal of certain creatures, such as Dismissal and Banishment.

Since the most effective abjurations are those offering the greatest protection, it seems that the dismissal spells are the most desirable-- after all, they get rid of the attacker altogether. However, dismissal spells are effective only against very specific types of attackers, such as banishment's dismissal of extraplanar creatures. Unless the wizard anticipates encountering the type of creature affected, a dismissal spell won't be helpful. Since protection spells usually affect only a single individual, the best all-purpose abjurations are the dispelling spells; dispel magic for instance, employed against a magic-wielding enemy protects not only the caster, but the entire party.

The abjurer is at a disadvantage when attacking. There are very few abjuration spells that inflict damage either directly or indirectly. But in terms of defensive capabilities, the abjurer is second to none. When a party is exploring potentially dangerous territory, the abjurer makes an ideal point man, placing him in an excellent position to create defenses against attackers. The abjurer, like all wizards, has a poor Armor Class, making him extremely vulnerable to damage. A comrade with a lot of hit points and a low AC should accompany the abjurer near the front of the party, ready to intercept attacks and act as the abjurer's bodyguard.

Abjurers also operate well in conjunction with other wizards. While the abjurer casts magical defenses, a fellow wizard can concentrate on creating magical offenses. When traveling, abjurers make good guards for helpless NPCs, such as small children and elderly citizens. Does the party have a treasure map, a valuable gem, or other prized possession? With his repertoire of protective spells, the abjurer may be the best person to carry them.

Most Desirable Spells:

Low-Level: Dispel magic is not only the best of the low-level abjuration spells, it should be a part of any wizard's arsenal (excluding, of course, those specialists to whom abjuration is forbidden). Dispel magic can effectively disarm many opponents, and it can also negate harmful or potentially harmful magical devices. Abjurers would do well to acquire this spell early in their careers. Protection from evil is another useful spell, considering how often a typical party encounters evil creatures and evil NPCs. Of the two 3rd-level protection spells, an abjurer will likely find protection from evil, 10' radius to be more helpful than protection from normal missiles, since he will probably have more opportunities to use the former than the latter. Note that protection from normal missiles can be extremely helpful when traveling through primitive areas where the inhabitants are more likely to use rocks and spears than swords and maces.

Medium-Level: Fire Trap not only offers superb protection, it's one of the few abjuration spells capable of inflicting damage. Avoidance has the twin advantages of being reversible and permanent. Anti-Magic Shell is generally preferable to Globe of Invulnerability; not only does it last longer, it's stronger and takes less time to cast.

High-Level: Spell Turning and Serten's Spell Immunity are extremely powerful spells that should be useful in any hostile environment. In most situations, Prismatic Sphere sphere is the best high-level abjuration spell; it not only provides a variety of defenses, it is also capable of blinding most opponents and inflicting a sizeable amount of damage.

Ethos: Concerned with protection, abjurists have a deep reverence for life and are attracted to philosophies stressing compassion and selflessness. Accordingly, most abjurers are of good alignment. Evil-aligned abjurers are often toadies of an intimidating evil warrior or in the service of a more powerful wizard of another school. Abjurers tend to be thoughtful, orderly, gentle-natured, and soft-spoken, going out of their way not to attract attention.

Of all the wizards, abjurers seem to have the strongest family ties. Abjurers take comfort in the security of marriage and often choose their mates at an early age; many abjurers have ten or more offspring. Owing to their mastery of protective forces, abjurers tend to live to a ripe old age; it's not unusual to find abjurers well into their eighties in adventuring parties.

Abjurers make their homes anywhere, but prefer small villages to large cities. Because of their kind hearts and generous spirits, abjurers are held in high esteem by society in general. Abjurers commonly earn a living as guides, bodyguards, merchants, and teachers.


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