Thought Broadcast

This spell turns the subject into a "thought broadcaster." For the duration of the spell, everyone within 30 yards of the subject senses the subject's thoughts, making it impossible for him to lie, keep secrets, conceal motives, etc. The subject is not automatically aware that his thoughts are being sensed. Everyone who senses these thoughts, on the other hand, knows their source.   This spell causes the broadcast of only surface thoughts and motivations, not memories. There is no need for a common language between broadcaster and receivers; for this purpose, thoughts are considered to be symbolic, not dependent on language. The detail level of the thoughts is insufficient for others to learn specific skills from the subject. Thus, if the subject casts a spell, everyone within range knows what spell is being cast before it takes effect, but no one learns any knowledge about how the spell is cast.   If the broadcaster is invisible or hiding in shadows, the broadcast functions normally, and all receivers are aware that someone is in the vicinity whom they cannot see. While receivers cannot pinpoint the broadcaster's location, the broadcaster's thoughts will inevitably reveal his general position ("Oh no, he's looking right at me," etc.). A character hiding in shadows will be automatically detected, while attacks against an invisible broadcaster suffer a -2 penalty, rather than the normal -4. This spell totally negates the chance of surprise by the broadcaster.   The subject must have an Intelligence score of 1 or more to become a broadcaster, and must have a "normal" mind as understood by PCs.   Thoughts that are broadcast can be received only by individuals with Intelligence scores of 3 or better. An unwilling subject receives a normal saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effects. A willing subject can waive this saving throw.   The priest inflates the baloon upon casting, and it is consumed in the casting.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Thought
Level: 4
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn +3 rounds/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Material Components:
a small balloon


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