
This spell totally stops the flow of time for a single individual. All signs of life stop and the subject is incapable of any movement or thought.   While the spell is in effect, the subject is totally immovable and cannot be affected by any physical or magical forces. Weapons simply bounce off the subject as they would bounce off the hardest stone. Spells, including dispel magic, are totally incapable of affecting the subject in any way. The subject does not age.   Aside from the fact that the subject remains visible. frozen in place like a statue. he is effectively no longer part of the universe. (DMs may rule that the most powerful of magics, such as wishes, and creatures of demigod or higher status can affect the subject.)   When the priest casts the spell, he or she states the duration for which the spell will remain in effect (the maximum is one full day per level of the caster). Once the spell is cast, this duration cannot be changed; the priest cannot terminate the spell before the stated time has elapsed.   If the subject is unwilling to be affected by the spell, the priest must touch the victim for the spell to take effect; the subject receives a normal saving throw to resist the effects. A willing subject need not make a saving throw.   The priest may cast this spell on himself if desired. This spell can provide a powerful defensive maneuver; while the spell is in effect, the subject is totally invulnerable. Timelessness is also an effective form of long-term imprisonment, as long as the priest is around to cast the spell again at the appropriate time.   This is an exceptionally powerful spell. Casting it puts a significant strain on the priest. Each time he casts timelessness, the priest must make a system shock roll. If the priest fails this throw. he or she permanently loses 1 point of Constitution.   Both material components are crushed during the casting.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Numbers
Level: 7
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Material Components:
a gem worth at least 1,000 gp and a small cylinder of obsidian


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