
The transformation spell allows the priest to alter extradimensional and relative geometries within the area of effect. This enables the priest and his companions to use extradimensional links to facilitate rapid movement as follows.   All allies of the priest are able to Blink once per round, with the ability to select the direction of movement. As many as 10 creatures (designated by the priest at the time of spellcasting) can use the Teleport Without Error spell. They may teleport anywhere within the area of effect of the transformation spell once during the duration of the spell.   As many as 10 creatures (specified by the priest at the time of spellcasting) gain abilities as if wearing boots of striding and springing for the spell duration.   At any time during the spell, the priest and as many as 10 other creatures can be affected as per a Shadow Walk spell. Creatures to be affected must stand in a circle and touch hands. As soon as the priest who cast the transformation spell leaves the area of effect via the shadow walk, all other effects of the transformation are canceled.
[Tome of Magic]
Sphere: Numbers
(Alteration, Enchantment, Illusion)
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 3 turns
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 100-yard-radius sphere
Saving Throw: None


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