Wizardly Careers

Owing to their wide range of abilities, the professions available to wizards are almost without limit. Below are a few of the most common careers. Each career includes the names of specialists and kits which are commonly associated with it-- but note that these are general guidelines only, and there are likely to be exceptions in many campaigns.


A wizard opting for a career as a teacher could be either an instructor at a magical academy (full-time or part-time), a professor at a regular college, or a private tutor. The wizard's background might suggest his academic field; history, mathematics, and any of the sciences are likely possiblities.

Suggested Kits: Academician, Patrician, Wu Jen

Suggested Specialties: Invoker, Abjurer, Transmuter, Enchanter


Frequently, the local wizard is one of the most learned men in his geographic area. If he has earned the trust of the citizenry, he may be asked to serve as a government administrator. Wizards are more likely to be administrators of small villages than large cities, since the needs of a small village are not likely to be as demanding, leaving the wizard plenty of free time to pursue his research.

Suggested Kits: Academician, Amazon Sorceress, Militant Wizard, Patrician

Suggested Specialties: Diviner, Abjurer, Transmuter


Noted for their wisdom and insight, wizards are sometimes retained by monarchs as personal advisors. Diviners are especially sought for these positions.

Suggested Kits: Academician, Amazon Sorceress, Mystic

Suggested Specialties: Conjurer, Enchanter, Transmuter, Diviner


A wizard's quest for hard-to-find components for his spells and his research can take him to cities and villages around the world. A career as a tradesman can be a natural outgrowth of these travels. Wizard traders are most likely to deal in precious gems, potions, and various collector's items. A wizard may also earn a living as a broker in spell components, dealing exclusively with other wizards.

Suggested Kits: Anagakok, Militant Wizard, Peasant Wizard, Savage Wizard

Suggested Specialties: Transmuter, Enchanter, Abjurer


Although the healing arts are more typically associated with priests, wizards also have been known to work in the field of medicine, thanks to their talents for manufacturing potions of healing and other healthful elixirs. Wealthy noblemen have been known to hire wizards as their personal physicians.

Suggested Kits: Academician, Anagakok, Witch

Suggested Specialists: Enchanter, Abjurer, Necromancer

Treasure Hunter

A wizard who spends his days as a member of an adventuring party has ample opportunity to discover treasures and earn rewards. Exceptionally talented wizards may receive a weekly or monthly retainer from an adventuring party in addition to a share of any treasure discovered or rewards earned. Such wizards have no need for formal careers, assuming their services are in demand or the missions they undertake are successful.

Suggested Kits: Amazon Sorceress, Anagakok, Militant Wizard, Savage Wizard

Suggested Specialists: Conjurer, Illusionist, Necromancer, Invoker


A wizard with a flair for the dramatic can earn a decent-- if irregular-- living as a professional entertainer. Opportunities include private shows for noblemen, annual celebrations, and street performances after which the wizard passes the hat for donations. Enterprising wizards sometimes rent halls and stage shows, charging admission from entertainment-starved citizens.

Suggested Kits: Peasant Wizard, Witch

Suggested Specialists: Illusionist, Conjurer


To earn a living as a lecturer, a wizard must have the engaging personality of an entertainter as well as the knowledge of a scholar. Such a wizard may travel from city to city, giving lectures in his field of expertise at the invitation of academies, royal courts, and private organizations. Lecturers with reputations as compelling speakers sometimes rent halls and charge admission.

Suggested Kits: Academician, Patrician, Mystic

Suggested Specialties: Conjurer, Enchanter, Transmuter, Diviner


Experienced wizards sometimes record their research procedures, tips for successful spellcasting, or techniques for magical item creation in detailed manuscripts. Depending on the reputation of the wizard, such tomes can command hefty sums. Rarely are more than a few copies of any such manuscript produced, but each copy may fetch thousands of gold pieces for the author. Some wizards also have made names for themselves as authors of history, mathematics, and philosophy texts.

Suggested Kits: Academician, Patrician, Mystic

Suggested Specialists: Conjurer, Enchanter, Diviner

Fortune Teller

Diviners can take advantage of their skills by charging for their fortune telling services. While it is common for kings and other noblemen to retain the services of an astrologer, palm reader, or other type of fortune teller, some wizards set up shop on their own, charging a fee to anyone in need of their talents. Unscrupulous wizards have been known to sell their services as fortune tellers to superstitious peasants, even though these wizards may lack any actual ability in this area.

Suggested Kits: Amazon Sorceress, Mystic, Witch, Wu Jen

Suggested Specialists: Enchanter, Diviner, Conjurer


Many wizards with a flair for research and laboratory technique become successful alchemists. Most of their work is non-magical in nature, creating fertilizers, perfumes, cough medicines, tooth powders, and food coloring for modest fees. Magical potions, while requiring more skill and effort, are also sold, although few commoners can afford such expensive creations.

Suggested Kits: Academician, Witch, Wu Jen

Suggested Specialists: Transmuter, Invoker, Enchanter, Necromancer


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