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"The aasimar are a hard group of people to find and study. From my brief encounter with one, I can tell that they are some of the most capable fighters on this side of the Azure Sea. If Kavaki allows it, I will travel to my friend in the Guilrock Bay and ask him more about these plane-touched humanoids since that is his forte."  
  • One of the final journal entries of Solomon the Bearkiller
  • Basic Information


    Aasimar are generally humanoids with pale white skin and yellow eyes. They have a similar height, muscular, and skeletal structure as humans. Their faces are usually gaunt and pale white with sharp yellow eyes. They can have tattoos on their face that are different for each warrior sent out amongst the Planes. Along with this, aasimar will fast causing their bodies to be similarly very skinny.

    Growth Rate & Stages

    Aasimar can live forever if they were to recuse themselves. However, due to their culture, they are often destined to die by the age of 40 or 50. As such, they mature must faster than other humanoid races and are often considered mature at the age of 14 or 15.


    Aasimar are, mentally, a very strong group of people, as is necessitated by their millenia-long fight against aberrations. Their training is very intense while they grow up and, as such, they are not accustomed to jokes and take most things very literally. Everything that they do is done with the intention that they kill their target aberration.

    Civilization and Culture

    Common Myths and Legends

    There are stories amongst different cultures and societies amongst Greyhawk and beyond that describe celestial beings coming down from Inter-Planar Discs in the skies to save their people from unspeakable monsters. The Aasimar themselves, however, do not believe in myths and legends as they are seen to be nothing more than distractions. The stories that Aasimar tell their children are all true stories of great battles between relatives and their assigned aberrations.


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