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Deargiel Stranger

A female druid who once lived in Saltmarsh, Deargiel was once a worker in the mines before she realized that the dwarves would see little to no wealth from the uncovering of gems. She then left on a smugglers ship to find the Hold of the Sea Princes where her greed and lust for gold would actually be rewarded.    Before she left, in the interim, she actually ran with the Phantom Jackals for a time where she new Bambi. However, their scores were too small and petty for her so she moved on to bigger things.    She has since become a cleric with her faith being solely to Abbathor, the Dwarven God of Greed. She follows Kiiwala wherever she may go and is very loyal to her new leader. She has plenty of stash points of gold and jewels amongst the ship that she has never told anyone about.
Sharp, Hazel
Dirty blond tied into braids, will often grow a beard when praying for too long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sun tanned Skin that seems to be getting paler as time goes on
4' 7"
Aligned Organization


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