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Detect Aberration


This spell functions like Detect Animals or Plants, except it detects creatures of the aberration type.


This discovery was made by a student in the Mage Academy of Niole Dra as his final research project in 567 CY. A researcher of aberrations, he created this spell, with approval, in order to search for more aberrations that seemed to have popped up around Keoland and the rest of the world.
Gestures & Ritual
There are verbal and somatic elements to this spell.
Effect Duration
10 Minutes
Effect Casting Time
1 Action
400 ft
Ranger Level 1, Druid Level 1
Applied Restriction
This is not a well-known spell as it has only recently been looked into as a category of spellcasting. As such, there are not many teachers who would be able to teach this spell.


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