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Kingdom of Iuz (E-Ooze)

  May the streets fill with blood as we take on this one final battle.
May we sleep well knowing that this land that we have been exiled from is once again ours.
May we ensure the name Iuz is engraved in the memory of every noble on this side of the Flannaes!

-Iuz's Final Speech before the Invasion of Dorakaa


The country began as a group of fiefdoms owned local lords all in communication with each other. However, due to their unorganized nature and their stubbornness, they exiled all races they deemed as "monstrous" to live outside of their kingdom walls. This lead to the growth in power of a local warlord Iuz. Once he rallied enough forces from different "monstrous" races, he invaded the fiefdoms from the North and took them over one by one. His domination and cruelty to those that mistreated his soldiers knew no bounds. Most nobles were strung up, burned, tortured, and killed, hung along the roads as a showcase of terror and warning for others. With each takeover, the refugees were forced farther and farther south, towards the Horned Society, Shield Lands, and the Kingdom of Furyondy.    After laying claim to the major kingdoms, Iuz took on his biggest siege yet, taking over the largest southern capital of Dorakaa. A bloody 10 day conflict had Iuz winning over the local noble and taking control of the entire area from the Duisi River to the Opicm River and between the Howling Hills and the Whyestil Lake.    With this, Iuz created what he dubbed the Kingdom of Iuz in 479 CY. A strong monarchy was created with Iuz being the First King with the kingdoms falling to newly appointed nobles who had all been instrumental in the coup.    However, in 575 CY, Iuz went missing and has yet to be found. Though the Kingdom has not fallen yet, infighting between the different races has begun as to who should hold the throne either until Iuz comes back or permanently. On top of this, there have been rumors that the Kingdom of Furyondy is planning to siege the land, taking it back from the usurpers and claiming it for their own. This chaos has caused some to lose hope while others have traveled far in search of Iuz to take back his rightful place on the throne.


There is a mix of many different races here, from Orcs to Tabaxi, Goblin to Gnolls, etc. For many, these are their ancestral grounds and where they lived for generations before being hunted and exiled by the powers that be. While many have taken back the lands where they once lived, there has also been an influx of new migrators from other lands within the Cold Marshes, the Barrens, the Wolf Nomad Territories, and beyond.    Now, they lay claim to the land between both the Duisi River to the Opicm River, as well as from the Howling Hills to Whyestil Lake. The roads have been lined with skulls of knights, soldiers, scouts, and spies of the previous kingdoms. Traders and travelers are welcome to traverse these lands at their own risk as there is no safekeeping or governing body to protect them.

Agriculture & Industry

Many of the farmers that tiled the lands before the invasion, continue to till the lands now at the behest of the Iuz Kingdom. They are at the whim of whichever noble now owns their territory for better or for worse.
Founding Date
479 CY
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Demon Land; Hell on Earth


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