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"In centuries long past, a common scholar named Kwalish took an unlikely path to becoming one of the most powerful arcane inventors of all time, after his discovery of strange magic in the Barrier Peaks. His studies of an ancient, crashed planar craft set him on a path that might have seen him rival Ioun and Heward — until his experiments overtook him, and he became lost to the ages."  
  • Powerful Mages Through the Ages by Wren Glisson
  • Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Coming from the village of Middlebridge, Kwalish worked from a young age to become one of the greatest mages in all of Grayhawk. After moving to Niole Dra, he worked odd jobs to make ends meet until he got the sponsorship needed to join the Wizarding Academy. A star pupil at the Niole Dra Wizarding Academy, Kwalish was an ambitious young gnome who would constantly come up with new inventions to wow and impress both students and faculty alike.    However, before he could finish his degree, something changed. Kwalish stopped going to classes and didn't finish taking any of his finals, instead reclusing to personal studies in his dormitory. One day, he was gone with no word as to where he moved to. Some say he found an unbearable secret that he took to his grave. Others say he's still out there searching for answers to an unspoken question. Still others rumor that he's on the brink of discovery and just needs the right catalyst to complete his life's work.


    Kwalish studied at the Wizarding Academy of Niole Dra for some time before eventually leaving due to unknown circumstances. Everything before this formal training was self-taught from books he either found, bought, or stole.


    He worked under multiple different people throughout Niole Dra. At the Academy, he specifically worked under the Nydia Rehbein, head of planar studies, before leaving.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    He had won many scholarships and awards at his school. In fact, his inventions were well known for saving multiple games of Mage Tower causing him to be stated as the MVP. There are still trophies and pictures of him found in the halls of the Niole Dra Wizarding Academy.

    Personality Characteristics


    Nonexistent. Would go days without showering or even washing his hands due to his hyper fixation on his own inventions.


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